Resources and Reading Material

The One True Divide: The Opposing Ideologies of Individualism and Collectivism

KEYTE, William (LawAndAlchemy): "Understanding Individualism and Collectivism: A Required Step of Human Evolution", Youtube Playlist:
(The essentials in understanding these two opposing ideologies and why adopting an Individualist ideology is a prerequisite for aligning with Natural Law and bringing about a condition of psychological, emotional and spiritual health.)

GRIFFIN, G. Edward: “The Future is Calling” (In particular Part 1 ‘The Chasm’)
(Ideologies of Individualism and Collectivism, Secret Organisations and Hidden Agendas)

MACDONALD, Kevin: "Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition - Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future", Direct Kindle Edition (Independently Published), 2019
(The History of Individualism and exploration of its origins in the West through analysis of the movement of populations, traditions, national policy, church history and influence etc.)

Human Psychology, Shadow and Wetiko: The Concept of a Mind Virus Afflicting Humanity

LEVY, Paul: “Wetiko”, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, 2021
(Human Psyche and Consciousness)

SCOTT PECK, M: “People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil”, Simon & Schuster; 2nd edition (2 Jan. 1998)
(Human Psyche and Consciousness)

SWAN, Teal: Youtube Channel
(Human Psyche, Consciousness and Shadow work)

GUENTHER, Bernhard & MATSUE, Laura: “Veil of Reality” website and ‘Cosmic Matrix Podcast
(Deep healing, reflection and shadow work)

PASSIO, Mark: ‘What On Earth is Happening’ website

Natural Law, Mystery Traditions and the Occult Body of Knowledge

PASSIO, Mark: “Natural Law - The REAL Law Of Attraction And How To Apply It In Your Life
(Part 1 of 3)
(The study of Natural Law)

PASSIO, Mark: “De-mystifying the Occult” (Part 1)
(The body of Occult Knowledge)

ELKHALDY, Sarah: Youtube Channel ‘The Alchemist’
(Esoteric studies, Alchemy and Natural Law)

Anarchy and Anarchism

One of our contributors (LW) has assembled some thoughts on the arguments presented by one of the leading Anarchist-leaning thinkers Hans Herman Hoppe and his arguments for Private Law Societies:

In my conversations with anarchists - trying to interest them in the constitution as a template for living an anarchic lifestyle, I kept getting asked to to watch or read some of the Hans Herman Hoppe material, specifically this video about private law societies.  I started it a few times, but found it problematic from the outset so did not proceed.  However, after repeated requests, I sat down, watched, and made some notes - here are those notes:


More to follow...